We have proposed several light-field (integral imaging) 3D display systems that use a micro lens array or pinhole array to display whole 3D rays from a single shot of the elemental image and show multiple views of 3D scenes without requiring special glasses to view the scenes. We also developed several holographic 3D display systems and waveguides to show more realistic 3D images. Recently we have expanded our interest to implementation of improved virtual reality 3D displays including near-eye display and compact head-mounted displays.
01/2016 – 01/2021, Active confocal imaging for visual prostheses, US Department of Defense, Vision Research Program, W81XWH-16-1-0033 (Co-PI)
02/2015-10/2015, Active confocal imaging for visual prostheses, Grant from the Promobilia Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden #14222 (PI)
12/2012-12/2013, Study on effect of super multi-view condition in three-dimensional display to accommodation response and improvement of optical vision rehabilitation device, Basic Research Fellowship, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2012R1A6A3A03038820 (PI)
Kim, J., Jung, J. – H., Jeong, Y., Hong, K., & Lee, B. (2014). Real-time integral imaging system for light field microscopy. Opt. Express , 22, 10210–10220 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Kim, J., Jung, J. – H., & Lee, B. (2013). Real-time pickup and display integral imaging system without pseudoscopic problem. Proc. SPIE. 8643, Advances in Display Technologies III. Publisher’s Version
Park, S. -gi, Jung, J. – H., Jeong, Y., & Lee, B. (2013). Depth-fused display with improved viewing characteristics. Opt. Express , 21 (23), 28758–28770 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Kim, J., Jung, J. – H., Jang, C., & Lee, B. (2013). Real-time capturing and 3D visualization method based on integral imaging. Opt. Express , 21, 18742–18753 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Wooh, S., Yoon, H., Jung, J. – H., Lee, Y. – G., Koh, J. H., Lee, B., Kang, Y. S., et al. (2013). Efficient Light Harvesting with Micropatterned 3D Pyramidal Photoanodes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Advanced Materials , 25 (22), 3111–3116 . WILEY-VCH Verlag. Publisher’s Version
Jung, J. – H., Kim, J., & Lee, B. (2013). Solution of pseudoscopic problem in integral imaging for real-time processing. Opt. Lett. , 38, 76–78 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Chen, N., Hong, K., Yeom, J., Jung, J. – H., & Lee, B. (2012). Experiment verification of hologram generation using intensity images. Proc. SPIE. 8559, Information Optics and Optical Data Storage II. Publisher’s Version
Jung, J. – H., Hong, K., & Lee, B. (2012). Effect of Viewing Region Satisfying Super Multi-View Condition in Integral Imaging. SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers . Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Publisher’s Version
Park, S. -gi, Jung, J. – H., Kim, Y., & Lee, B. (2012). Depth-fused Display with Enhanced Viewing Region. Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging . Optical Society of America. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Kim, J., Hong, K., Yang, H. K., Jung, J. – H., Choi, H., Min, S. – W., et al. (2012). Accommodative Response of Integral Imaging in Near Distance. J. Disp. Technol. , 8 70-78. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Hong, K., Yeom, J., Hong, J., Jung, J. – H., Lee, Y. W., Park, J. – H., et al. (2012). A frontal projection-type three-dimensional display. Opt. Express , 20, 20130–20138 . OSA. Publisher’s Version Press released (CNN, NBC, BBC, OSA news, etc.)
Jung, J. – H., Park, S. -gi, Kim, Y., & Lee, B. (2012). Integral imaging using a color filter pinhole array on a display panel. Opt. Express , 20, 18744–18756 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Yeom, J., Jung, J. – H., Hong, J., & Lee, B. (2011). View image error analysis based on focal mode and virtual mode in three-dimensional display using lenses. Proc. SPIE. 7956, Advances in Display Technologies; and E-papers and Flexible Displays. Publisher’s Version
Chen, N., Yeom, J., Hong, K., Hong, J., Jung, J. – H., Park, J. – H., & Lee, B. (2011). Phase-only hologram generation from multiple defocused images of three-dimensional object. Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging . Optical Society of America. Publisher’s Version
Yeom, J., Hong, J., Jung, J. – H., Hong, K., Park, J. – H., & Lee, B. (2011). Phase-only hologram generation based on integral imaging and its enhancement in depth resolution. Chin. Opt. Lett. , 9 120009 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Chen, N., Yeom, J., Jung, J. – H., Park, J. – H., & Lee, B. (2011). Resolution comparison between integral-imaging-based hologram synthesis methods using rectangular and hexagonal lens arrays. Opt. Express , 19, 26917–26927 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Jung, J. – H., Hong, K., Park, G., & Lee, B. (2010). Accommodation Response in Viewing Integral Imaging. SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers . Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Publisher’s Version
Jung, J. – H., Kim, Y., Lee, Y., & Lee, B. (2010). Enhancement of Pinhole Type Integral Imaging System Using Color Filters of Liquid Crystal Display Panel. Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging . Optical Society of America. Publisher’s Version
Pham, D. – Q., Kim, N., Kwon, K. – C., Jung, J. – H., Hong, K., Lee, B., & Park, J. – H. (2010). Depth enhancement of integral imaging by using polymer-dispersed liquid-crystal films and a dual-depth configuration. Opt. Lett. , 35, 3135–3137 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Jung, J. – H., Hong, K., Park, G., Chung, I., & Lee, B. (2010). 360°-viewable cylindrical integral imaging system using a 3-D/2-D switchable and flexible backlight. J. Soc. Inf. Disp. , 18, 527–534 . Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Publisher’s Version
Kim, J., Hong, K., Jung, J. – H., Park, G., Lim, J., Kim, Y., Hahn, J., et al. (2009). High definition integral floating display with multiple spatial light modulators. Proc. SPIE. 7237, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX. Publisher’s Version
Park, G., Jung, J. – H., Hong, K., Kim, Y., Kim, Y. – H., Min, S. – W., & Lee, B. (2009). Multi-viewer tracking integral imaging system and its viewing zone analysis. Opt. Express , 17 (20), 17895–17908 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Jung, J. – H., Kim, Y., Kim, Y., Kim, J., Hong, K., & Lee, B. (2009). Integral imaging system using an electroluminescent film backlight for three-dimensional-two-dimensional convertibility and a curved structure. Appl. Opt. , 48, 998–1007 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Park, G., Jung, J. – H., Kim, J., & Lee, B. (2009). Color moiré pattern simulation and analysis in three-dimensional integral imaging for finding the moiré-reduced tilted angle of a lens array. Appl. Opt. , 48, 2178–2187 . OSA. Publisher’s Version Cover image paper
Kim, Y., Park, G., Cho, S. – W., Jung, J. – H., Lee, B., Choi, Y., & Lee, M. – G. (2008). Integral imaging with reduced color moire pattern by using a slanted lens array. Proc. SPIE. 6803, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX. Publisher’s Version
Park, G., Jung, J. – H., Kim, J., & Lee, B. (2008). Computer-Generation Method for Elemental Image of Integral Floating Display Using Virtual Integral Imaging System. Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging . Optical Society of America. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Kim, J., Kim, Y., Jung, J. – H., & Lee, B. (2008). Depth-Enhanced Integral Floating Imaging System with Variable Image Planes Using Polymer-Dispersed Liquid-Crystal Films. Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging . Optical Society of America. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Hong, K., Jung, J. – H., Seo, J. – M., & Lee, B. (2008). Measurement of the Accommodation Response in Viewing Stereoscopic Images. Frontiers in Optics . Optical Society of America. Publisher’s Version
Jung, J. – H., Kim, Y., Kim, J., & Lee, B. (2008). A Thin 3D-2D Convertible Integral Imaging System Using a Pinhole Array on an Electroluminescent (EL) Sheet. Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging . Optical Society of America. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Kim, J., Kim, Y., Choi, H., Jung, J. – H., & Lee, B. (2008). Thin-type integral imaging method with an organic light emitting diode panel. Appl. Opt. , 47, 4927–4934 . OSA. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Kim, J., Kang, J. – M., Jung, J. – H., & Lee, B. (2007). Improved viewing resolution of three-dimensional integral imaging using pinhole array on LC panel. Proc. SPIE. 6778, Three-Dimensional TV, Video, and Display VI. Publisher’s Version
Kim, Y., Kim, J., Kang, J. – M., Jung, J. – H., Choi, H., & Lee, B. (2007). Point light source integral imaging with improved resolution and viewing angle by the use of electrically movable pinhole array. Opt. Express , 15, 18253–18267 . OSA. Publisher’s Version